
On 8Share, we reward you for contributing to the news and sharing it!
We give out rewards in three main ways:
  • Get paid in cash
    Every month, we cash out earnings to users for broadcasting Specials by transferring cash to your bank account.
  • Earn Bonus Point (BPs)
    Every day, you earn Bonus Point by participating in 8Share activities.
  • Prizes and giveaways
    From time to time, we have different prizes to award you when you participate in contests. So far, we have given away laptops, iPods, cameras, concert and cinema tickets, product vouchers, and even a car.

Bonus Point (BP)

What is a BP?
BP stands for Bonus Point. It shows how much you've contributed to the social sharing environment. People who have high BPs are people who are active members of 8Share and are influential broadcasters.
When will I receive BPs?
You will receive
  • 1 BP for every Special you broadcast
  • 1 BP per unique visit when broadcasting Causes/Social Good campaigns
  • 10 BPs for every profile update (profile URL, photo, about me, etc.)
Do BPs have monetary value?
BPs do not have monetary value. They are not exchangeable for cash.
What can I do with my BPs?
Your BPs can be used to claim an 8Share merchandise as and when they are announced to be available.